Author: Glossary

  • Erythroplasia of Queyrat

    A precancerous lesion or invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the glans penis. It usually appears moist or velvety, and typically arises in uncircumcised middle-aged men.  

  • Erythrophose

    Any red subjective perception of a bright spot.  

  • Erythrophagia

    Destruction of red blood cells by phagocytes.  

  • Erythrophage

    A phagocyte that destroys red blood cells.  

  • Erythroneocytosis

    The presence of immature red blood cells in the peripheral blood.  

  • Erythromelia

    Painless erythema of the extensor surfaces of the extremities. Erythromelia is characterized by a widespread redness (erythema) and thinning (atrophy) of the skin in the lower limbs. The exact cause of this condition remains unknown.  

  • Erythroleukemia

    A variant of acute myelogenous leukemia with anemia, bizarre red blood cell morphology, erythroid hyperplasia in the bone marrow, and occasionally hepatosplenomegaly. The leukocyte count may be extremely high or quite low.  

  • Erythrokinetics

    The quantitative description of the production rate of red blood cells and their life span.  

  • Erythrodontia

    Reddish-brown or yellow discoloration of the dentin of the teeth. This may be present in patients with congenital erythropoietic porphyria.  

  • Erythroderma ichthyosiforme congenitum

    The Latin name for congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma. A congenital variation of erythroderma marked by widespread redness, particularly noticeable on the front of the neck and the inner surfaces of the major joints. This condition is often accompanied by thickened skin on the soles of the feet, nail deformities, and seborrhea affecting the scalp.