Author: Glossary

  • Vagal escape

    An ectopic heartbeat that occurs when the normal rhythm of the heart has been stopped or inhibited by stimulation of the vagus nerve.  

  • Escalate

    To increase, especially the dosage of a medication.  

  • Erythrovirus B19

    A type of parvovirus that causes erythema infectiosum (fifth disease), a usually benign, nonfebrile disease. However, intrauterine infection may produce fetal anemia with hydrops fetalis and death. Infection of immunocompromised patients or patients with sickle cell anemia may cause aplastic anemia, and complications may lead to death. It was formerly known as parvovirus B19.  

  • Erythrotoxin

    An exotoxin that lyses red blood cells.  

  • Erythrostasis

    Accumulation of red blood cells in vessels due to cessation of the blood flow.  

  • Erythrosis

    A reddish-purple discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes in polycythemia.  

  • Erythrosine sodium

    A dye used as a dental disclosing agent. It is applied to the teeth in a 2% solution or in soluble tablets, which are chewed.  

  • Erythropsin

    A term formerly used to indicate rhodopsin, or visual purple.  

  • Erythroprosopalgia

    Neuropathy marked by redness and pain in the face.  

  • Erythropoietin independence

    A characteristic of red blood cell colonies in polycythemia rubra vera. Normal red blood cell progenitors do not multiply without stimulation by erythropoietin; cells from patients with polycythemia vera can replicate independently of this cytokine because of the intracellular derangement of other growth-promoting proteins.