Author: Glossary

  • Double-contrast examination

    A radiographic examination in which a radiopaque and a radiolucent contrast medium are used simultaneously to visualize internal anatomy.  

  • Exaltation

    A mental state characterized by feelings of grandeur, excessive joy, elation, and optimism; an abnormal feeling of personal well-being or self-importance. A psychological condition marked by self-contentment, euphoric happiness, heightened cheerfulness, optimism, or delusions of grandiosity.  

  • Theory of evolution

    The theory that all living species, including humans, have developed as a result of changes in their genetic material over time.  

  • Evocator

    A chemical produced by one part of an embryo that stimulates organ and tissue development in another part.  

  • Evocation

    Re-creation by recollection or by imagination.  

  • Evisceroneurotomy

    Scleral evisceration of the eye with division of the optic nerve.  

  • Evil

    An infrequently used term for disease or illness.  

  • Material evidence

    In medicolegal considerations, facts or evidence important to proving or disproving matters of dispute.  

  • Anecdotal evidence

    Clinical lore based on the analysis of individual cases, rather than the study of scientifically randomized groups of patients. Evidence made up of one or more anecdotes. In science, an anecdote is a story about a person’s experience, told by that person.  

  • Evidement

    Scraping away of diseased tissue.