Author: Glossary

  • Corrective exercises

    Use of specific exercises to correct deficiencies caused by trauma or inactivity.  

  • Concentric exercises

    A form of isotonic exercise in which the muscle fibers shorten as tension develops.  

  • Blowing exercise

    An exercise in which the patient exhales into a tube with high end-expiratory pressure to open regions of the lung that may have collapsed and to prevent atelectasis. This encourages deep breathing, which tends to aid lung expansion.  

  • Assistive exercise

    A type of bodily movement performed by voluntary muscle contractions that are augmented by an extrinsic force such as a clinician or mechanical device.  

  • Aquatic exercise

    The use of a pool or tank of water for early exercise in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and for partial or non-weight-bearing activities in early rehabilitation training.  

  • Active exercise

    A type of bodily movement performed by voluntary contraction and relaxation of muscles.  

  • Exercise accumulation

    Physical exertion that is divided into several short bouts of exercise scattered throughout the day, instead of during a single longer workout.  

  • Exencephalia

    A congenital anomaly in which the brain is located out side the skull; a term for encephalocele, hydrencephalocele, and meningocele.  

  • Exempt research

    Any research investigation that does not need to follow standard protocols or provide usually expected protection to its subjects.  

  • Exemption

    Legal relief from an obligation, e.g., from the requirement that children be vaccinated before attending school, or that certain medications or devices be tested according to standard protocols before they are released to consumers.