Author: Glossary

  • Explorer

    An instrument used in exploration, especially a device used to locate foreign bodies or to define passageways in body sinuses or cavities.  

  • Explode

    In epidemiology, to appear suddenly or have rapid onset.  

  • Expiratory trigger sensitivity

    The adjustment of a pressure-support ventilator to the neurally mediated end of expiration. This machine adaptation to the patient’s respiratory efforts is a refinement of mechanical ventilation that decreases patient discomfort and the work of breathing.  

  • Expiratory pause time

    The interval between the end of one exhalation and the beginning of the next.  

  • Passive expiration

    Expiration, performed during quiet respiration, that requires no muscular effort. It is brought about by the elasticity of the lungs, and by the ascent of the diaphragm and the weight of the descending chest wall, which compress the lungs.  

  • Active expiration

    Expiration accomplished as a result of muscular activity, as in forced respiration. The muscles used in forced expiration are those of the abdominal wall (external and internal oblique, rectus, and transversus abdominis), the internal intercostalis, serratus posterior inferior, platysma, and quadratus lumborum.  

  • Expert consensus

    An agreed-upon set of principles for the care of a particular disease or condition, established after a review of contemporary knowledge by specialists in the field.  

  • Experiment

    A scientific procedure used to test the validity of a hypothesis, gain further evidence or knowledge, or test the usefulness of a drug or type of therapy that has not been tried previously.  

  • Experience

    To encounter something personally or undergo an event.  

  • Expedite

    To facilitate or speed up any process, e.g., to review and publish the results of important research rapidly.