Author: Glossary

  • Differential gene expression

    The biochemical processes that determine which genes are actively transcribed and translated into mRNA and proteins in a cell and under what conditions.  

  • Exposure response prevention therapy

    A treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person is repeatedly exposed to something that would normally trigger a stereotyped or ritualistic response but is prevented from engaging in the ritual.  

  • Exposure pathway

    The route that an infectious, toxic, or radioactive substance takes as it enters the body. Airborne toxins, for example, usually enter the body by inhalation, although they may be deposited on the skin and be absorbed transcutaneously. Foodborne toxins typically enter the body by ingestion.  

  • Exposure limit

    The maximum concentration of a substance with which an organism can have contact without suffering adverse effects.  

  • Exposure assessment

    A formal study of the impact of a hazardous substance on people, places, or things. It includes determination of the source(s) of the substance, its diffusion through the environment, its concentration, its duration and half-life, and the populations or media that are vulnerable to its effects.  

  • Pulp exposure

    An opening in the dentin that exposes the pulp of a tooth to the oral cavity.  

  • Double exposure

    Two exposures on one photographic or radiographic film or image. Two overlapping exposures captured on a single film.  

  • Acute exposure

    Exposure to radiation that is of short duration and usually of high intensity.  

  • Exponent

    In mathematics, the number that indicates the power to which another number is to be raised. It is written as a superscript (e.g., 102 or x2 indicates that 10 and x are to be squared, or multiplied by themselves). The exponent can have any numerical value and may be positive or negative; it does not…

  • Dental explorer

    A sharp-pointed instrument used to detect unsound enamel, carious lesions, or imperfect margins of restorations in teeth.