Author: Glossary

  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator

    An external device that oxygenates blood delivered to it from the body and then returns it to the patient. It has been used experimentally in patients with acute respiratory failure. It has also been used to treat newborns with meconium aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and persistent pulmonary hypertension, who have failed to respond to standard treatments.…

  • Extracapsular extension

    The spread of a tumor outside the organ in which it arose, specifically, outside the tissue that separates the organ from neighboring anatomical structures,  

  • Extinguish

    To abolish, especially to remove a reflex, by surgical, psychological, or pharmacological means, depending on the type of reflex involved.  

  • External fixator

    A device for holding fractured bones in place by use of external rather than internal fixation.  

  • Extensive limb swelling

    A large localized tissue reaction in an arm or a leg after the injection of certain vaccines. DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis) vaccination, e.g., results in injection site swelling of muscle and subcutaneous tissue in approx. 2% to 6% of children receiving booster doses of the vaccine. The swelling resolves spontaneously in about 4…

  • Leg extender

    A device added to lengthen the legs of furniture (e.g., beds, tables, chairs) to accommodate the needs of persons with functional limitations.  

  • Extemporaneous

    Not prepared according to formula but devised for the occasion.  

  • Extein

    Fragments of a protein that link to form a new protein after an internal sequence (an intein) of the larger molecule is removed by post-translational splicing.    

  • Exsorption

    Movement of material including cells and electrolytes from the blood to the lumen of the intestines. In pathological conditions such as intestinal obstruction, this process may greatly increase pressure inside the affected area of the intestinal tract.  

  • Expulsion rate

    In gynecology, the rate of spontaneous rejection of intrauterine contraceptive devices in the group of women who use them. It is usually expressed with respect to the time elapsed following implantation.