Author: Glossary

  • Crossed eye

    Manifest inward deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye when looking at an object.  

  • Artificial eye

    A prosthesis for placement in the orbit of an individual whose eye has been removed. An artificial eye, known as a prosthesis, is utilized to replace a surgically removed natural eye. The purpose of wearing an artificial eye is purely for cosmetic and psychological reasons. It is designed to fit smoothly behind the eyelids, taking…

  • Aphakic eye

    An eye from which the crystalline lens has been removed.  

  • Eyach virus

    A European tick-borne coltivirus, implicated in some cases of meningitis and encephalitis.  

  • Exude

    To ooze out of tissues; said of a semisolid or fluid. The transfer of substances from inside a plant structure to its external surface or surrounding environment, typically by means of diffusion rather than through an opening, is referred to as ooze. While the verbs ‘ooze’ and ‘exude’ are largely interchangeable in everyday English, in…

  • Exuberant

    Excessive, as in the increased and excessive growth of granulation tissue or bacterial culture.  

  • Unplanned endotracheal extubation

    The inadvertent removal of an endotracheal tube (ET) by patients who are either not responsible for or not aware of their actions. To prevent a recurrence, the health care provider must be skilled in securing the ET. The tube needs to be firmly secured, tube-related discomfort minimized, and the patient’s delirium and agitation controlled. This…

  • Upper extremity

    The upper limb, including the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.  

  • Lower extremity

    The lower limb, including the hip, thigh, leg, ankle, and foot.  

  • Extravasate

    To escape from a vessel into the tissues, said of serum, blood, or lymph. The leakage of fluid into the nearby tissues.