Author: Glossary

  • Acute fatigue

    Fatigue with sudden onset such as occurs following excessive exertion. It is relieved by rest.  

  • Biological father

    The male who contributes the ovum-fertilizing sperm that subsequently becomes a fetus.  

  • Fate map

    A diagram that demarcates the regions of embryonic cells that will develop into specific differentiated organs and tissues in the body of the adult.  

  • Trans fat

    A fat derived from the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Examples include vegetable shortening and margarine. Studies have associated trans-fat consumption with an increased risk for coronary artery disease. Chemically derived fat present in hydrogenated foods; promotes plaque development and high cholesterol. When vegetable oils undergo a process of solidification to prevent decay and enhance…

  • Fast track

    A colloquial term for a clinic in which patients seeking care for nonacute conditions in the emergency department are triaged for medical or surgical attention; an urgent-care clinic affiliated with an emergency department.  

  • Fastness

    The ability of cells to resist stains or destructive agents.  

  • Fasting hypoglycemia

    A blood glucose level less than 50 mg/dl (3.3 mmol/L) that occurs before or between meals. Its most common cause in diabetic patients is an excessive dose of insulin or of another medication used to control high blood glucose. It may also be caused by some other medications, e.g., pentamidine or quinine, or by alcohol…

  • Fastidious

    In microbiology, concerning an organism that has precise nutritional and environmental requirements for growth and survival.  

  • Fasciolopsis buski

    A trematode (fluke) that infests the intestinal tract of certain mammals including humans. Symptoms include vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea alternating with constipation. The number of flukes present may be sufficient to cause intestinal obstruction. The disease occurs in Asia, including central and southern China.  

  • Fasciola hepatica

    A species that infests the liver and bile ducts of cattle, sheep, and other herbivores; the common liver fluke. Infested aquatic plants are the source of human infection.