Author: Glossary

  • Fee splitting

    The unethical practice of returning to the referring health care provider a portion of the fee received from a patient who is seen in consultation.  

  • Rectal feeding

    The introduction of fluid nutrients into the colon through the recturn, a mode of feeding rarely used because little nourishment other than water is absorbed through the colon.  

  • Artificial feeding

    Providing a liquid food preparation through a tube passed into the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, or rarely, the rectum or intravenously. This is also done through gastrostomy or duodenostomy. The process of delivering nutrients in a manner other than orally typically involves a tube inserted through the nose into the stomach or small intestine. If artificial…

  • Feedforward

    Anticipatory motor impulses sent before movement to prepare the musculoskeletal system for postural adjustments. The feedforward mechanism is thought to help prepare muscles to perform required tasks.  

  • Feeder layer

    A population of connective tissue cells that are used to nourish cultured tissue cells in the laboratory. The feeder cell layer is often derived from mouse fibroblasts. Feeder cells supply metabolites to the cells they support, do not grow or divide, and can be inactivated by gamma irradiation.  

  • Feeder

    device used to introduce nutrition into the mouth of an infant who has difficulty eating, sucking, or swallowing (e.g., a child with a cleft lip or palate).  

  • Federal torts claims act

    Statute enacted by Congress in 1946 that specifies how and when private parties may sue the United States in federal court for torts committed by those acting on behalf of the United States. It controls the legal liability of health care professionals employed at government clinics (e.g., in the Indian Health Service, military clinics, and…

  • Federal false claims act

    An American federal law that makes the submission of a falsified bill to a federal agency, such as Medicare, illegal.  

  • Artificial fecundation

    Impregnation by mechanical injection of the seminal fluid into the uterus.  

  • Fecundate

    To fertilize, impregnate, or render fertile.