Author: Glossary

  • Fetal monitoring in utero

    The techniques used to obtain information on the physical condition of the fetus. They include recording the fetal electrocardiogram, respiratory rate, and, by invasive techniques, blood gas and pH data.  

  • Fetal heart rate monitoring

    The techniques used to determine the heart rate of the fetus. They include auscultation, use of an electronic device, or Doppler ultrasound.  

  • Fetal echogenic bowel

    An abnormality of the fetal bowel, sometimes seen on prenatal ultrasound, in which the bowel has a brightness similar to that seen in bone. Most instances of echogenic bowel Eire not associated with any fetal or neonatal disease, but some are seen in diseases and conditions such as aneuploidy, cystic ‘ fibrosis, cytomegalovirus infection, and…

  • Fetal development

    The growth and maturation of the fetus in utero. This is divided into three periods: the preembryonic period begins with conception and ends on gestational day 14; the embryonic period encompasses gestational weeks 3 through 8; and the remainder of the pregnancy is known as the fetal period. Body organs and systems arise from three…

  • Fetal assessment

    Estimating the current status of the fetus.  

  • Fetal activity diary

    A periodic record used to count and compare fetal movements at different times. The woman may record the number of fetal movements in a given time (e.g., 1 hr), the average number of movements occurring during the same length of time at different times during the day, or the amount of time needed for a…

  • Homologous fertilization

    Artificial fertilization of a woman’s ovum by her husband’s sperm. The ovum and sperm are united while both are outside the body and then are placed intravaginally during the optimum time for fertilization.  

  • Heterologous fertilization

    Assisted fertilization of a woman’s ova with donor sperm.  

  • Ferrous fumarate

    An iron preparation used to treat anemias. An oral preparation of iron is administered to treat iron-deficiency anemia. This preparation contains Ferrous fumarate, which may lead to adverse effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.  

  • Ferroprotein

    A protein combined with an iron-containing radical. Ferroproteins are important oxygen-transferring enzymes (e.g., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase).