Author: Glossary

  • Man-made fiber

    A synthetic fiber made from chemicals (e.g., rayon or polyester).  

  • Intrafusal muscle fiber

    The structural component of the muscle spindle, made up of small skeletal muscle fibers at either end and a central non-contracile region where the sensory receptors are located.  

  • Intercolumnar fiber

    An intercrural fiber, part of the superficial inguinal ring.  

  • Inhibitory fiber

    A nerve fiber that carries impulses to decrease heart rate.  

  • Gingival fiver

    Collagen fibers that support the marginal or interdental gingiva and are adapted to the tooth surface.  

  • Efferent fiber

    A nerve fiber that carries motor impulses from the central nervous system to effector organs.  

  • Circular fiber

    Collagen bundles in the gingiva that surround a tooth.  

  • Afferent fiber

    A nerve fiber that carries sensory impulses to the central nervous system from receptors in the periphery.  

  • Fiat

    Let there be made, a term used in writing prescriptions.  

  • Fever of unknown origin

    An illness of at least 3 weeks’ duration with fever exceeding 38.3°C on several occasions and diagnosis not established after 1 week of hospital investigation. The main causes are systemic and localized infections, neoplasms, or collagen-vascular diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, disseminated lupus erythematosus, and polyarteritis nodosa). Less common causes are granulomatous disease, inflammatory disease of…