Author: Glossary

  • Finger spreader

    An orthotic device, usually made of foam rubber, used to hold the thumb and fingers in extension while maintaining the normal arches of the hand.  

  • Finger ladder

    A finger ladder is a wall climbing device that can provide a patient with objective reinforcement and motivation for performing shoulder ROM. ROM can be performed to achieve shoulder flexion (patient facing the ladder, and “climbing” to increase shoulder flexion) or shoulder abduction (patient facing sideways; adjustment in arm position must be made to accommodate…

  • Finger cot

    A protective covering for a finger. It is usually made of plastic, rubber, metal, or leather. The injured finger is protected from trauma during the healing process.  

  • Seal finger

    A painful cellulitic infection of a finger caused by a species of mycoplasma, sometimes occurring in arctic hunters or fishers. It is treated with tetracycline antibiotics.  

  • Jersey finger

    A traumatic avulsion of the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus, caused by a forceful extension motion during an active muscular contraction. It is commonly seen in football players. As a tackier grabs a defender’s jersey, the defender pulls the jersey out of the tackler’s hand.  

  • Dislocation of finger

    Displacement of a finger bone. This occurs only at a joint. If there has been a crushing injury, it should be treated as a fracture until radiography has been performed. Dislocations of a finger usually are easily diagnosed and quite easily reduced. They may be caused by blows, falls, and similar accidents.  

  • Fineness

    The proportion of pure gold in a gold alloy.  

  • Fine motor skill

    Motor skills that require greater control of the small muscles than large ones, esp. those needed for hand-eye coordination, and those that require a high degree of precision in hand and finger movement. Examples of these motor skills include handwriting, sewing, and fastening buttons. It is important to note that most movements require both large…

  • Finegoldia magna

    The preferred name for the species of anaerobic gram-positive cocci formerly known as Peptostreptococcus magna. It is a potential cause of soft tissue abscess, endocarditis, or joint or wound infection.  

  • Fimbriocele

    A hernia including the fimbriated portion of the oviduct.