Author: Glossary

  • First responder

    The first individual to arrive at the scene of an emergency. Many communities have made an effort to train public safety personnel (e.g., police and fire department) or other volunteers to respond to trauma and medical emergencies and provide CPR and first aid.  

  • First intention healing

    Healing that takes place when wound edges are held or sutured together without the formation of obvious granulation tissue.  

  • First cranial nerves

    The nerves supplying the nasal olfactory mucosa. They consist of delicate bundles of unmyelinated fibers, the fila olfactoria, which pass through the cribriform plate and terminate in the olfactory bulb. The fila are the central processes of bipolar receptor neurons of the olfactory mucous membrane.  

  • Firearm

    A small, portable gun (e.g., a pistol or a rifle) or handheld weapon that uses explosive materials to propel an object toward a person, place, or target at high speed. More firearm related injuries and deaths occur in the U.S. than in any other industrialized nation. Most of these are among young males, especially those…

  • Finkelstein’s test

    A test used to assist in the diagnosis of de Quervain’s disease. The patient tucks the thumb in a closed fist, and the examiner deviates the fist ulnarly. Pain indicates a positive result.  

  • Finger trapping

    Using an adjacent digit to provide passive range of motion to an affected (injured, paralyzed) digit.  

  • Finger-to-nose test

    A test of cerebellar function wherein the patient is asked, while keeping the eyes open, to touch the nose with the finger and remove the finger, and repeat this rapidly. The test is done by using a finger of each hand successively or in concert. How fast and well this is done is recorded. This…

  • Finger-to-finger test

    A test for coordination of the movements of the upper extremities. The patient is asked to touch the tips of the fingers of one hand to the opposite fingertips.  

  • Finger sweep

    Placing a finger in the mouth or pharynx of a person with an obstructed upper airway in an attempt to clear a visible foreign body from the airway. Blind finger sweeps, that is, using the hand to clear objects that are not seen, are not recommended.  

  • Finger spring

    A device for assisting extension or flexion of finger joints.