Author: Glossary

  • Focal neuropathy

    Any nerve disease or injury, e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome or peroneal nerve palsy, that affects a single nerve.  

  • Focal infection

    Infection occurring near a focus, such as the cavity of a tooth.  

  • Focal disease

    A disease located at a specific and distinct area such as the tonsils, adenoids, or a boil.  

  • Foam

    A mixture of finely divided gas bubbles interspersed in a liquid. A light, airy, whipped styling product that resembles shaving foam and builds moderate body and volume into the hair.  

  • Screwworm fly

    A fly belonging to the families Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae.  

  • Bluebottle fly

    A fly of the Calliphoridae family that delivers a painful and venomous sting. It breeds in dung or the flesh of dead animals.  

  • Flutter-fibrillation

    Cardiac dysrhythmia alternating between atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, or showing a pattern that is difficult to distinguish during routine cardiac monitoring.  

  • Flutter device

    A handheld device designed to facilitate clearance of mucus in hypersecretory lung disorders. Exhalation through the Flutter results in oscillations of expiratory pressure and airflow, which vibrate the airway walls, loosening mucus, decrease the collapsibility of the airways, and accelerate airflow. This facilitates movement of mucus up the airways.  

  • Ventricular flutter

    Ventricular contractions of the heart at 250 beats per minute, creating a high-amplitude, sawtooth pattern on the surface electrocardiogram. The rhythm is lethal unless immediate life support and resuscitation are provided.  

  • Mediastinal flutter

    Abnormal side-to-side motion of the mediastinum during respiration.