Author: Glossary

  • Monro’s foramen

    The interventricular foramen between a lateral ventricle and the third ventricle inside the brain.  

  • Mastoid foramen

    The opening in the mastoid part of the temporal bone. A small vein passes through it.  

  • Foramen of luschka

    Key-Retzius foramina.    

  • Lingual foramen

    A small opening on the lingual surface of the mandible at the midline. It is surrounded by small bony protuberances called genial tubercles. The terminal branches of the mandibular nerve exit the bone through the lingual foramen and innervate the gingiva in the anterior portion of the mandible.  

  • Lesser sciatic foramen

    The opening bounded by the hip bone, sacrum, and sacrospinous ligament.  

  • Jugular foramen

    The opening in the base of the skull through which pass the sigmoid and inferior petrosal sinus and the 9th, 10th, and 11th cranial nerves.  

  • Internal auditory foramen

    The opening in the petrous portion of the temporal bone through which the seventh and eighth cranial nerves pass.  

  • Infraorbital foramen

    The opening in the maxilla through which the infraorbital branch of the maxillary nerve passes.  

  • Greater sciatic foramen

    The larger of two posterior openings into the bony pelvis. Along the back edge of the ilium and ischium bones, there are two semicircular indentations, the greater and lesser sciatic notches. Two crossed ligaments (the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments) make these notches into enclosed ovals, the greater and lesser sciatic foramena. The greater sciatic foramen…

  • External auditory foramen

    The outer auditory meatus, through which sound waves travel to reach the tympanic membrane.