Author: Glossary

  • Alligator forceps

    A straight or angled clamp with jawlike movement at its end.  

  • Forced expiratory time

    The time required to forcibly exhale a specified volume of air from the lung.  

  • Forced duction test

    A test used in ophthalmology to assess whether eye elevation or movements of the inferior muscles of the eye are restricted as a result of an injury, e.g., of an orbital floor fracture. Used to determine if an ocular deviation is mechanically restricted versus paretic.  

  • Force couple

    Biomechanical principle whereby two or more muscles acting in different directions influence the rotation of a joint in a specific direction. When the forces are of equal magnitude and in opposite directions, the limb will rotate about its long axis.  

  • Unit of force

    An arbitrary measure of a certain amount of force. For example, a dyne is the amount of force acting continuously on a mass of 1 g that will accelerate the mass 1 cm per second.  

  • Reserve force

    The energy available above that required for normal functioning of the heart.  

  • Maximum inspiratory force

    The output of the inspiratory muscles measured in negative centimeters of water pressure. It is measured by having the subject inhale from a tube connected to a manometer under conditions of no flow. Also called maximum inspiratory pressure; negative inspiratory force.  

  • Electromotive force

    Energy that causes flow of electricity in a conductor. The energy is measured in volts.  

  • Catabolic force

    Energy produced by metabolism of food.  

  • Vena cava foramen

    The opening in the diaphragm through which the inferior vena cava and branches of the right vagus nerve pass.