Author: Glossary

  • Cerebral fossa

    Any of several depressions on the inside floor of the cranium.  

  • Canine fossa

    The wide, shallow depression on the external surface of the maxilla superolateral to the canine tooth. It serves as the origin of the levator angulioris muscle.  

  • Fos

    A family of cancer-causing genes, first identified in viruses, that function within cells as transcription factors. Members of this family can transform normal cells (e.g., fibroblasts) into cancer cells (e.g., osteosarcomas, chondrosarcomas).  

  • Forward surgical team

    A small mobile military unit consisting of surgeons, anesthetists, nurses, and support personnel. It is used in or near a battlefield to rescue and stabilize injured soldiers. The seriously injured are transported from FSTs to larger military hospitals for definitive care of their wounds.  

  • Fortify

    In food science technology, to add one or more substances to a food to increase its nutrient density.  

  • Fortification spectrum

    The appearance of a dark patch with a zigzag outline in the visual field, causing a temporary blindness there.  

  • Fornix vaginae

    Each of the four recesses that surround the cervix. The posterior fornix is deeper than the anterior or lateral (right and left) fornices.  

  • Fornix conjunctivae

    A fibrous vaulted band connecting the cerebral lobes. The loose folds connecting the palpebral and bulbar conjunctivae.  

  • Structural formula

    A formula of a compound that shows the relationship of the atoms in a molecule. The atoms are shown joined by valence bonds (e.g., H — O — H).  

  • Stereochemical formula

    A method of depicting chemical formulas so that the elements and their number are depicted as well as their position in space in relation to each other.