Author: Glossary
Condition in which vision is more distinct when only one eye is used, hence tendency to close one eye to see clearly.
A neoplasm that contains both monoblasts and monocytes.
Having only one hydrogen atom replaceable by a metal or positive radical.
A beta lactam antibiotic, similar in structure to penicillins and cephalosporins, except with respect to its nucleus: monobactams have a single cyclical nucleus, while penicillins and cephalosporins have two linked cyclical nuclei.
Having one replaceable hydroxyl (OH) group.
A poxviral illness clinically similar to smallpox. The CDC recommends that persons exposed to monkey pox be vaccinated against smallpox to prevent the disease.
In the Lamaze technique of childbearing, a labor coach or doula.
Uterine activity monitor
An electronic sensor applied to or worn around the abdomen to note and record uterine contractions and fetal heart tones.
Unit monitor
In radiation therapy, a calibrated unit of dose that determines the length of the treatment.
Temperature monitor
A monitor for measuring and recording temperature of the body or some particular portion of the body.