Author: Glossary
A growth-regulating protein that limits the size of muscles by inhibiting excessive growth.
Myositis trichinosa
Myositis due to infestation with trichinae.
Traumatic myositis
Myositis due to physical injury. The condition may be simple, with accompanying pain and swelling, or may be suppurative.
Myositis purulenta
Suppurative myositis with abscesses; caused by bacterial infection.
Interstitial myositis
Myositis with hyperplasia of connective tissue.
Myositis fibrosa
Myositis accompanied by infiltration of fibrous tissue.
A proteose resulting from the hydrolysis of myosin.
Inflammation of the muscular tissue of a fallopian tube.
A coarse muscular tremor of the hands or feet.
Transient myopia
Myopia seen in spasm of accommodation, as in acute iritis or iridocyclitis.