Author: Glossary
A benign tumor composed of myxomatous and chondromatous elements.
A malignant tumor composed of myxomatous, chondromatous, fibrous, and sarcomatous elements.
The gliding bacteria, gram-negative and of various shapes; they are soil inhabitants and do not cause disease in humans. They form a slimy spreading colony.
Pretibial myxedema
Edema of the anterior surface of the legs following hyperthyroidism and exophthalmos.
Pituitary myxedema
Myxedema occurring secondary to anterior pituitary hypofunction.
Operative myxedema
Myxedema following removal of the thyroid gland.
Childhood myxedema
Myxedema occurring before puberty.
Inflammation of mucous gland ducts.
A tumor with the structure of a mucous gland.
Myxadenitis labialis
Painless inflammation of the mucous glands of the lips.