Author: Glossary
Inflammation of the kidneys and the bladder.
A surgical connection between the kidney and the bladder.
Surgical suspension of the kidney and the colon using the nephrocolic ligament.
Transfusion nephritis
Renal failure and tubular disease caused by transfusion of incompatible blood.
Suppurative nephritis
Nephritis associated with abscesses in the kidney.
Scarlatinal nephritis
Acute glomerulonephritis complicating scarlet fever.
Chronic nephritis
A progressive form of nephritis in which the entire structure of the kidney or only the glomerular or tubular processes may be affected.
Analgesic nephritis
Chronic nephritis caused by excess intake of almost any of the anti-inflammatory analgesics (e.g., salicylates, acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents).
Acute nephritis
An inflammatory form of nephritis involving the glomeruli, the tubules, or the entire kidney. It may be called degenerative, diffuse, suppurative, hemorrhagic, interstitial, or parenchymal, depending upon the portion of the kidney involved.
Paraperitoneal nephrectomy
Removal of a kidney through an extraperitoneal incision.