Author: Glossary
Peripheral neuritis
Neuritis of terminal nerves or end organs.
Multiple neuritis
Simultaneous impairment of a number of peripheral nerves.
Neuritis migrans
Ascending or descending neuritis that passes along a nerve trunk, affecting one area and then another.
Intraocular neuritis
Neuritis of the retinal fibers of the optic nerve causing disturbed vision, contracted field, enlarged blind spot, and fundus findings such as exudates, hemorrhages, and abnormal condition of the blood vessels. Treatment depends on the cause (e.g., brain tumor, meningitis, syphilis, nephritis, diabetes).
Interstitial neuritis
Neuritis involving the connective tissue of a nerve.
Disseminated neuritis
Neuritis involving a large group of nerves.
Descending neuritis
Neuritis that leads away from the central nervous system toward the periphery. Neuritis that initiates in the nerves exiting the brain and travels down through the spinal cord to the body’s periphery.
Degenerative neuritis
Neuritis with rapid degeneration of a nerve.
Axial neuritis
Inflammation of the inner portion of a nerve. A type of neuritis that impacts the central axis of a nerve.
Ascending neuritis
Neuritis moving upward along a nerve trunk away from the periphery. Neuritis that originates at the body’s periphery and progresses along the nerve toward the brain or spinal cord.