Author: Glossary

  • Nitrous

    Containing nitrogen in its lowest valency.  

  • Nitrogenase

    An enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of nitrogen to ammonia.  

  • Nonprotein nitrogen

    A nitrogen-containing constituent of blood or milk that is neither a protein nor an amino acid. Most nonprotein nitrogen in the human body is in the form of urea.  

  • Liquid nitrogen

    Nitrogen cooled to 77° K. (77° above absolute zero). Liquid nitrogen is used to cool or freeze body parts (especially the skin) in anesthesia and some surgeries.  

  • Nitrogen lag

    The extent of time required after a given protein is ingested before an amount of nitrogen equal to that in the protein has been excreted.  

  • Nitrogen equilibrium

    Condition during which nitrogen excreted in the urine, feces, and sweat equals the amount taken in by the body in food.  

  • Nitroblue tetrazolium test

    A test of the ability of leukocytes to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium from a colorless state to a deep blue. It is used as a marker of nitric oxide synthase. The reduction of NBT may be used in the rapid diagnosis of urinary tract infections and in the study and diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease and…

  • Nitrobenzene

    A toxic derivative of benzene used especially in making aniline.  

  • Nitrile

    An organic compound in which trivalent nitrogen is attached to a carbon atom. It is used to make latex-free gloves for use in health care.  

  • Nitride

    A binary compound formed by direct combination of nitrogen with another element (e.g., lithium nitride [Li3N], formed from nitrogen and lithium).