Author: Glossary

  • Vitelline nucleus

    Nucleus formed by union of male and female pronuclei within the vitellus; a part of the cytoplasm of an ovum in which the initial process of accumulation of food supplies is probably located.  

  • Vestibular nucleus

    Any of four nuclei in the medulla oblongata in which fibers of the vestibular nerve terminate. These four nuclei are the medial (Schwalbe’s), superior (angular), lateral (Deiters’), and inferior nuclei.  

  • Vesicular nucleus

    A nucleus having a deeply staining membrane and a pale center.  

  • Ventral cochlear nucleus

    The nucleus in the medulla oblongata lying anterior and lateral to the restiform body and receiving fibers from the cochlear nerve.  

  • Trigeminal spinal nucleus

    The site of sensory neurons of the trigeminal nerve associated with pain, temperature, and light touch. It is located in the pons and upper spinal tract.  

  • Thoracic nucleus

    A column of large neurons in the posterior gray column of the spinal cord. These cells give rise to the dorsal spinocerebellar tract on the same side.  

  • Thalamic nucleus

    Any of the nuclei of the thalamus, including a large number belonging to the anterior, intralaminar, lateral, and medial thalamic nuclei groups.  

  • Nucleus of termination

    Any of the clusters of cells in the brain and medulla in which fibers of a nerve or nerve tract terminate.  

  • Superior salivatory nucleus

    An ill-defined nucleus in the pons lying dorsomedial to the facial nucleus. It gives rise to preganglionic parasympathetic fibers passing through the chorda tympani and lingual nerve to the submaxillary ganglion. Impulses regulate secretions of the submaxillary and sublingual glands.  

  • Superior olivary nucleus

    A small nucleus located in the mid-lateral tegmental region of the pons. It receives fibers from the ventral cochlear nucleus.