Author: Glossary

  • Operculitis

    Inflammation of the gingiva over a partially erupted tooth.  

  • Open set speech recognition

    The ability to understand spoken language without using visible cues.  

  • Openness

    In psychology and related disciplines: attentiveness, interest in new experiences, inquisitiveness, or receptivity to change. Also known as openness to experience; one of the Big Five traits associated with being creative, imaginative, and enjoying variety.  

  • Open-label study

    A clinical trial without a control group, in which both patients and researchers know the identity of the treatment and its dosage.  

  • Opening snap

    An abnormal early diastolic extra heart sound usually associated with stenosis of one of the atrioventricular valves. Most commonly, the sound reflects mitral valve stenosis. The brief, high-pitched snapping sound is unaffected by respiration and is heard best between the apex and the lower left sternal border.  

  • Pyloric opening

    The opening between the stomach and duodenum.  

  • Cardiac opening

    The opening of the esophagus into the cardiac end of the stomach.    

  • Aortic opening

    The opening in the diaphragm through which the aorta passes.  

  • Opalescent

    Iridescent; similar to an opal with respect to the colors produced.  

  • Oospore

    A spore formed by the union of opposite sexual elements.