Author: Glossary

  • Optical tweezers

    A laser device used to alter or manipulate microorganisms, molecules, or living cells.  

  • Optical transmission

    The amount of light that passes through a laboratory specimen. It can be used to measure the concentration of components in the specimen (e.g., the amount of solute contained in a solution).  

  • Opsonocytophagic

    To the phagocytic action of the blood when serum opsonins are present.  

  • Immune opsonin

    Opsonin formed after stimulation by a specific antigen.  

  • Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome

    A rare brain and eye disease characterized by abnormal muscle jerking, unsteady gait, poor speech, and abnormal eye movements. The disease is most often identified in children with recent viral infections or brain tumors. It is also known as Kinsboume syndrome after Marcel Kinsbourne, the English neurologist who first described it.  

  • Opsoclonus

    Conjugate irregular and non-rhythmical jerking movements of the eyes. The eyes move in any linear or rotating direction at a rate of up to 10 times per second. Any one of several areas of the brain, including the cerebellum and brainstem, may be diseased and cause this condition.  

  • Opsinogen

    An antigen that causes the production of opsonins.  

  • Opisthorchis tenuicollis

    A species found in cats and other mammals. Humans become infected by eating raw or poorly cooked fish containing the larval forms. It was formerly called O. felineus.  

  • Opisthorchis sinensis

    A species common throughout Asia, acquired by humans who eat poorly cooked fish that contains the larval forms. O. sinensis is a relatively uncommon cause of biliary obstruction in Western nations.  

  • Opisthognathism

    A skull abnormality marked by a receding lower jaw.