Author: Glossary

  • Organoferric

    Concerning iron and an organic molecule.  

  • Organized thrombus

    A blood clot containing fibrous tissue that may be structured into layers. Tiny blood vessels may course through the clot.  

  • Organize

    To develop from an amorphous state to that having structure and form.  

  • Organic dust toxicity syndrome

    An acute influenza-like illness resulting from the inhalation of molds contaminating grasses, hay, and other agricultural products. It is also known colloquially as farmer’s lung or grain lung and scientifically as pulmonary mycotoxicosis. Prominent symptoms are cough, chest tightness, muscle ache, and low-grade fever.  

  • Organ-confined disease

    An illness, such as a tumor or an abscess, that has not spread beyond the organ in which it originated. One example is prostate cancer that is confined within the prostate gland and has not entered the seminal vesicles or pelvic lymph nodes.  

  • Special sense organ

    Any of the organs of smell, taste, sight, balance, and hearing.  

  • Sensory end organ

    Any of the special clusters of cells that form a capsule around the receptor ends of certain sensory axons and affect the response of the axons. They include Meissner’s corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini’s corpuscles, and Golgi tendon organs.  

  • Neurotendinous end organ

    A specialized tendon fasciculus in which sensory nerve fibers terminate in the tendon.  

  • Neuromuscular end organ

    A spindle shaped bundle of specialized fibers in which sensory nerve fibers terminate in muscles.  

  • Lymphatic organ

    A structure composed principally of lymphatic tissue. It includes the lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and thymus.