Author: Glossary

  • Orthodigita

    The division of podiatry that deals with the correction of deviated toes.  

  • Orthodeoxia

    Decreased arterial oxygen concentration while in an upright position. The condition improves when the patient assumes the supine position.  

  • Orthodentin

    Tubular dentin, as seen in human teeth.  

  • Orthochorea

    A type of chorea in which attacks appear mainly when the person is in an erect position.  

  • Orthoacid

    An acid with as many hydroxyl groups as the number of valences of the acid-forming portion of the molecule.  

  • Orris root

    The powder made from the root of certain varieties of iris. It is used in making some types of cosmetics. It may be a sensitizer by contact or inhalation.  

  • Orphan disease

    A rare illness that receives little attention from medical researchers or the pharmaceutical industry. In the U.S., an illness that affects less than 200,000 people.  

  • Oroya fever

    A clinical form of bartonellosis. It is an acute potentially life-threatening disease endemic in Peru and other South American countries and characterized by high intermittent fever, lymphadenopathy, severe anemia, and pains in the joints and long bones. If untreated, the fever has a 10% to 90% fatality rate.  

  • Orotracheal

    To the passageway between the mouth and the trachea.  

  • Ornithonyssus sylviarum

    The northern fowl mite. Its bite may cause an itchy rash, especially prevalent in owners of infected farm animals or pets.