Author: Glossary

  • Orthophthalaldehyde

    A microbicidal chemical used to disinfect surfaces, endoscopes, and other heat-sensitive instruments.  

  • Orthopedic technician

    A technician who is skilled in maintaining traction devices, applying traction, making casts, and applying splints.  

  • Orthomyxovirus

    A virus in the family of influenza viruses. A member of a viral family encompassing microorganisms accountable for respiratory tract illnesses, particularly influenza.  

  • Orthomolecular

    Indicating the normal chemical constituents of the body or the restoration of those constituents to normal.  

  • Orthokinetics

    A variety of tactile stimulation techniques and orthoses used to stimulate proprioceptors and enhance motor performance in rehabilitation.  

  • Orthokeratology

    Use of special hard contact lenses to treat myopia by altering the curvature of the cornea. The lens presses on the center of the cornea, thus decreasing the protrusion. An approach involving the alteration of the cornea’s shape through the utilization of a contact lens. It is not deemed a permanent solution for diminishing myopia.…

  • Orthograde

    Walking with the body vertical or upright; pert, to bipeds, especially humans. Opposite of pronograde.  

  • Orthogenic

    To, or related to, the correction, treatment, or rehabilitation of children with mental or emotional difficulties.  

  • Orthodromic

    Moving in the normal direction; said of nerve and cardiac impulses.  

  • Orthodox

    Conventional; conforming with generally accepted standards of practice.