Author: Glossary

  • Otitis mastoidea

    Inflammation of the middle ear, involving the mastoid spaces.  

  • Otitis labyrinthica

    Inflammation of the labyrinth of the ear.  

  • Furuncular otitis

    A furuncle formation in the external meatus of the ear.  

  • Acute otitis media

    The presence of fluid in the middle ear accompanied by signs and symptoms of local or systemic infection. In the U.S. 12,000,000 cases of otitis media are estimated to occur each year. More than 90% of children experience at least one episode by age 2 years. Because infants and children have short, horizontal eustachian tubes,…

  • Osteopoikilosis

    A benign, hereditary disease of the bones marked by excessive calcification in spots less than 1 cm in diameter. A benign, hereditary disease of the bones marked by excessive calcification in spots less than 1 cm in diameter.  

  • Osteoplastic

    To bone repair by plastic surgery or grafting. Related to the creation of bone or to osteoplasty.  

  • Osteometry

    Measurement of bones and their relationships within the skeleton.  

  • Osteomeatal complex

    The middle turbinate and the middle meatus of the nose.  

  • Osteomatosis

    The formation of multiple osteomas.  

  • Oncogenic osteomalacia

    A rare disorder in which low serum phosphorus levels and excessive wasting of phosphorus by the kidneys accompany weakening and softening of bone. The disease is found in patients with cancer and is caused by excessive circulating levels of fibroblast growth factor.