Author: Glossary

  • Otto pelvis

    The protrusion of the acetabulum into the pelvic cavity. This condition may occur in association with severe osteoarthritis of the hip.    

  • Ottawa ankle rules

    Practice guidelines developed in Canada in 1992 to reduce the number of unnecessary ankle x-rays in emergency departments. The inability to walk four steps or the presence of point tenderness over the posterior half of the lateral malleolus or the base of the fifth metatarsal warrant radiographic examination.  

  • Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea

    Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the external auditory canal. It is usually the result of prior surgery to the ear or mastoid bone or of trauma to the skull, and may predispose patients to meningitis.  

  • Otoneurology

    The division of otology that deals with the inner ear, especially its nerve supply, nerve connections with the brain, and auditory and labyrinthine pathways and centers within the brain.  

  • Otological

    Relating to study of diseases of the ear.  

  • Otoacoustic emissions test

    A screening test for deafness that assesses the functioning of the cochlea. It is used esp. in newborns as a quick way of identifying possible congenital hearing loss. The test is performed by placing a probe in the external ear canal. The probe emits a series of clicks and then measures the echoes returning from…

  • Otitis parasitica

    Inflammation of the ear caused by a parasite.  

  • Necrotizing otitis externa

    Infection of the base of the skull that originates in the external auditory canal. It is usually caused by infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The disease occurs most often in diabetic and other immunocompromised patients. It may be life-threatening and requires prolonged antibiotic therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are used in patients with the most…

  • Otitis mycotica

    Inflammation of the ear caused by a fungal infection.  

  • Otitis media with effusion

    The presence of fluid in the middle ear without signs or symptoms of acute infection. This causes retraction of the eardrum. Upon examination, a level of air fluid may be seen through the tympanic membrane. The cause of the obstruction may be enlarged adenoid tissue in the pharynx, inflammation in the pharynx, tumors in the…