Author: Glossary

  • Overlap syndrome

    A rheumatological disorder with features suggestive of several kinds of connective tissue disease, but not definitively diagnostic of any single syndrome. Overlap syndromes typically have elements of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and progressive systemic sclerosis, among other illnesses.  

  • Overflow

    The continuous escape of fluid from a vessel or viscus, as of urine or tears.  

  • Overexposure

    Excessive contact with chemicals, drugs, physical agents, or psychological stimuli. An excessive duration of time exposure or milliamperage setting. This leads to a decrease in radiographic contrast and an increase in radiographic density.  

  • Overeruption

    A condition in which the occluding surface of a tooth projects beyond the fine of occlusion.  

  • Overdistention

    Excessive stretching, insufflation, or inflation of an organ, e.g., of the lungs during mechanical ventilation or of the urinary bladder in bladder outlet obstruction.  

  • Overcorrection

    The use of too powerful a lens to correct a defect in the refractive power of the eye.  

  • Ovaritis

    The acute or chronic inflammation of an ovary, usually secondary to inflammation of the oviducts or pelvic peritoneum. It may involve the substance of the organ (oophoritis) or its surface (perioophoritis).  

  • Ovariostomy

    The creation of an opening in an ovarian cyst for the purpose of drainage.  

  • Ovariopexy

    Surgical fixation of the ovary to the abdominal wall.  

  • Ovariocyesis

    An ectopic pregnancy in an ovary. A pregnancy that takes place inside the ovary.