Author: Glossary

  • Perineal pad

    A pad covering the perineum; used to cover a wound or to absorb the menstrual flow.  

  • Kidney pad

    An air or water pad fixed on an abdominal belt for compression over a movable kidney.  

  • Dinner pad

    A pad placed on the abdomen before application of a plaster cast. The pad is then removed, leaving space for abdominal distention after meals.  

  • Abdominal pad

    A dressing for absorbing discharges from surgical wounds of the abdomen.  

  • Pack-year

    The consumption of a pack of cigarettes daily for a year (approximately 365 packs of cigarettes annually). The number of pack-years that people smoke correlates closely with the amount of damage that tobacco does to their hearts, lungs, and other organs.  

  • Packed red blood cells packed cells

    Red blood cells that have been separated from plasma. They are used to treat conditions such as hemorrhage or symptomatic anemias that require transfusions of red blood cells but not the liquid components of whole blood. The transfusion of PRBCs in place of whole blood elevates hemoglobin levels and reduces the likelihood of fluid overload…

  • Wet-sheet pack

    The envelopment of a patient in wet sheets or blankets; a technique formerly used to treat hyperthermia. They are held against the body by large woolen blankets. The temperature of the water used for the sheets varies, depending on the purpose.  

  • Wet-dry pack

    A pack or dressing placed in a wound or ulcer in order to facilitate healing or debride necrotic tissues. The dressing is moistened with the prescribed solution (e.g,, sterile saline) prior to packing the wound. The dressing is then packed into the open wound. During the next dressing change, the removal of the dried packing…

  • Periodontal pack

    A surgical dressing applied over an area involved in periodontal surgery to enhance healing and tissue recovery. Components may include eugenol, resin, zinc oxide, tannic acid, cocoa butter, paraffin, olive oil, and an antibiotic.  

  • Partial pack

    A wet pack that covers a portion of the body.