Author: Glossary
Burning pain
Pain experienced in heat burns, superficial skin lesions, herpes zoster, and circumscribed neuralgias.
Brodie’s pain
Pain caused near a joint affected with neuralgia when the skin is folded near it.
Boring pain
Piercing, used to describe pain felt deep within the body.
Adnexal pain
Discomfort arising from the fallopian tubes and ovaries; usually due to inflammation, infection, or ectopic pregnancy.
A form of pica characterized by excessive consumption of ice or ice drinks. Causally associated with iron-deficiency anemia.
Page turner
An assistive technology device for persons with limited or absent upper extremity movement; used to turn the pages of a book.
Paget-Schreutter syndrome
Deep venous thrombosis in the axillary and/or subclavian vein. The condition is usually recognized in athletes or laborers who use (or overuse) the upper extremities (e.g., in sports). It may produce uncomfortable swelling of the arm with dilation of the superficial veins. The diagnosis is confirmed with ultrasonography and treated with anticoagulants, thrombolytic drugs, or…
Page kidney
Compression of a kidney, usually by a hematoma or tumor, with resulting hypertension.
Surgical pad
A soft rubber pad with an apron and inflatable rim for drainage of escaping fluids; used in surgery and obstetrics.
Sucking pad
A mass of fat in the cheeks, especially well developed in an infant, aiding sucking.