Author: Glossary

  • Paleokinetic

    Regarding a peripheral motor nervous system controlling automatic associated movements. It is older phylogenetically than the system controlling voluntary movement.  

  • Palatosalpingeus

    The tensor veli palatini muscle.  

  • Palatopharyngoplasty

    Plastic surgical procedure for decreasing the size of the opening of the nasopharyngeal passageway. It has been used to treat chronic snoring.  

  • Palatopharyngeus

    The muscle arising from thyroid cartilage and pharyngeal wall, extending upward in posterior pillar, and inserting into aponeurosis of soft palate. It constricts the pharyngeal isthmus, raises the larynx, and depresses the soft palate.  

  • Palatography

    Recording of the movements of the palate in speech.  

  • Palatoglossus

    The muscle arising from the sides and undersurface of the tongue. Fibers pass upward through glossopalatine arch and are inserted in palatine aponeurosis. It constricts the faucial isthmus by raising the root of the tongue and drawing the sides of the soft palate downward.  

  • Palatitis

    Inflammation of the palate.  

  • Palatine arches

    Two archlike folds of mucous membrane (glossopalatine and pharyngopalatine arches) that form the lateral margins of faucial and pharyngeal isthmuses. They are continuous above with the soft palate.  

  • Secondary palate

    In the embryo, the palate formed from the maxillary arches and frontonasal processes.  

  • Incomplete palate

    A cleft involving only a part of the hard or soft palate.