Author: Glossary

  • Ventral pancreas

    An outgrowth at the angle of the hepatic diverticulum and the embryonic gut that migrates and fuses with the dorsal pancreas. It forms the head of the definitive organ.  

  • Transplantation of the pancreas

    The implantation of a part of the pancreas (e.g., cells of the islets of Langerhans) or the entire gland from a donor into a patient whose own pancreas is no longer functioning. In the diabetic patient, pancreas transplantation provides an endogenous source of insulin and may be combined with kidney transplantation. The risks of the…

  • Lesser pancreas

    The semidetached lobular part of the posterior surface of a head of the pancreas, sometimes having a separate duct opening into the principal one.  

  • Dorsal pancreas

    A dorsal out-pocketing of the embryonic gut that gives rise to the body and tail of the adult pancreas.  

  • Pancreas divisum

    A congenital anomaly in which the dorsal and ventral pancreatic ducts fail to unite during embryonic development. It has been associated with pancreatitis.  

  • Annular pancreas

    An anomalous condition in which a portion of the pancreas encircles the duodenum.  

  • Accessory pancreas

    A small mass of pancreatic tissue close to the pancreas but detached from it.  

  • Pancoast’s tumor

    A tumor (usually from lung cancer) that spreads from the superior pulmonary sulcus into the brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic chain, producing Pancoast’s syndrome.  

  • Pancoast’s syndrome

    A cluster of signs and symptoms that include (1) upper extremity or shoulder pain, (2) Horner’s syndrome, and (3) atrophy of muscle or bone of the affected arm. It almost always is caused by a malignant neoplasm invading the brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic nerves. Rarely, it results from a tubercular or fungal infection of…

  • Diffuse panbronchiolitis

    A rare chronic obstructive lung disease in which small lung nodules form, sometimes in association with sinus disease. It is typically found in people of Japanese ancestry.