Author: Glossary

  • Paranuclear

    Adjacent to the nucleus of a cell.  

  • Paranomia

    Inability to remember correct names of objects shortly after seeing or using them.  

  • Paranoid reaction type

    An individual who has fixed systematized delusions, is suspicious, has a persecution complex, is resentful and bitter, and is a megalomaniac. Many states approach true paranoia and resemble it but lack one or more of its distinguishing features. Some of these are transitory paranoid states caused by toxic conditions, a paranoid type of schizophrenia, and…

  • Somatic paranoia

    The delusion that one’s body is malodorous, infested with an internal or external parasite, or misshapen or ugly.  

  • Litigious paranoia

    Paranoia in which the patient institutes or threatens to institute legal action because of the imagined persecution.  

  • Paraneuron

    A cell of epithelial origin with a membrane that can generate an action potential and with the ability to secrete neurotransmitter at a synaptic junction but without dendrites or axon, e.g., the primary sensory cells in taste buds.  

  • Paranesthesia

    Anesthesia of the lower body. Numbness in the lower part of the trunk and both legs.  

  • Symptomatic paramyotonia

    Temporary muscular rigidity when one first tries to walk, as in Parkinson’s disease.  

  • Ataxic paramyotonia

    Tonic muscular spasm with slight ataxia or paresis during any attempt at movement.  

  • Paramyotonia

    A disorder marked by muscular spasms and abnormal muscular tonicity.