Author: Glossary

  • Pathetic

    To, or arousing, the emotions of pity, sympathy, or tenderness.  

  • Pathergy

    A skin reaction at the site of a sterile needle prick that results in a pustule and reddened skin. This reaction, which lasts 2 to 5 days, is a sign of skin hyperreactivity consistent with Behcet’s syndrome.  

  • Path of instantaneous center of rotation

    The plotted trajectory of the axis of rotation of a joint through its entire range of movement. The center of rotation moves due to translation, the accessory gliding or sliding motion that accompanies the rotation. The fact that this is instantaneous infers that the PICR is not constant, but changes with the moment.  

  • Incisor path

    An arc described by the incisal edge of the lower incisors when the mandible closes to normal occlusion.  

  • Condyle path

    The path traversed by the condyle during various mandibular movements.  

  • Path of closure

    The path traversed by the mandible as it closes when its neuromuscular mechanisms are in a balanced functional state.  

  • Path

    A particular course that is followed or traversed.  

  • Paternalism

    A type of medical decision making in which health care professionals exercise unilateral authority over patients. When patients are competent to make their own choices and health care professionals seek to act in the patients’ best interests, shared decision making is preferable, because it encourages dialogue, preserves autonomy, fosters responsibility, and allows for adaptation.  

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

    Pain in the knee that occurs with exertion (e.g., walking upstairs) and is associated with stiffness after prolonged sitting and tenderness when the patella is compressed on the femoral condyle or when it is moved laterally.  

  • Squinting patella

    A disorder in which the patella appears to be pointing inward when the patient is standing; caused by excessive femoral ante version.