Author: Glossary

  • Dolichopellic pelvis

    An abnormal pelvis in which the anteroposterior diameter is greater than the transverse diameter.  

  • Coxalgic pelvis

    A pelvis deformed subsequent to hip joint disease.  

  • Contracted pelvis

    A pelvis in which one or more of the principal diameters is reduced to a degree that parturition is impeded. A pelvis with one or more of its main dimensions diminished, potentially complicating or preventing a baby’s passage through it.  

  • Brachypellic pelvis

    An oval pelvis in which the transverse diameter is at least 1 cm longer, but no more than 3 cm longer, than the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvis.  

  • Bony pelvis

    The skeleton of the pelvis, consisting of the right and left hip bones (each made of an ilium, an ischium, and a pubis), the sacrum, and the coccyx.  

  • Beaked pelvis

    A pelvis with the pelvic bones laterally compressed and pushed forward so that the outlet is narrow and long. A pelvis where the pubic bones at the front are pushed closer together and protrude forward, a characteristic often observed in osteomalacia.  

  • Assimilation pelvis

    A structural abnormality that results form a developmental lumbosacral fusion or from a sacrococcygeal fusion.  

  • Anthropoid pelvis

    A structural abnormality that occurs in about 20% of women. Deviations from the normal gynecoid configuration include a long, oval, narrow inlet and narrow sacrum, straight sidewalls, and a wide sacrosciatic notch. The shape increases the potential for fetal posterior positions during childbearing. A female pelvis that is elongated, slender, and oval, similar to that…

  • Android pelvis

    The normal shape of the male pelvis. About 30% of women share this bony configuration; however, the heart-shaped inlet, convergent sidewalls, slanted sacrum, and narrow sacrosciatic notch pose problems for childbearing. The narrowed dimensions increase the risk of fetopelvic disproportion, obstructed labor, and cesarean delivery. A female pelvis that has a deep, cone-like shape similar…

  • Pelviotomy

    Enlargement of the pelvic outlet to facilitate childbirth.