Author: Glossary
Infantile pelvis
An adult pelvis that retains its infantile characteristics.
Halisteretic pelvis
A deformed pelvis resulting from softening of bones.
Gynecoid pelvis
A normal female pelvis. Relative to the male pelvis it has a wider bone structure and a more oval shape. A female pelvis where the inlet is circular rather than oval-shaped.
Funnel-shaped pelvis
A pelvis in which the outlet is considerably contracted but the inlet dimensions are normal.
Frozen pelvis
Adhesion of the female reproductive organs to the peritoneum or bowel by cancer, endometriosis, or pelvic infection.
Flat pelvis
A pelvis in which the anteroposterior diameters are shortened. A pelvic deformity where all the front-to-back distances are reduced, while the side-to-side measurements remain normal.
Fissured pelvis
A structural malformation in which the ilia are pushed forward to an almost parallel position; caused by rickets.
False pelvis
The portion of the pelvic cavity that lies above the pelvic brim, bounded by the linea terminalis and the iliac fossae. It supports the weight of the growing uterus during the middle and last trimesters of pregnancy.
Extrarenal pelvis
A renal pelvis located outside the kidney.
Dwarf pelvis
An unusually small pelvis in which all diameters are symmetrically reduced.