Author: Glossary
Split pelvis
A pelvis with a congenital division at the symphysis pubis.
Pelvis spinosa
A rachitic pelvis with a pointed pubic crest.
Simple flat pelvis
A pelvis with a shortened anteroposterior diameter.
Scoliotic pelvis
A deformed pelvis resulting from spinal curvature.
Pseudo-osteomalacic pelvis
A rachitic pelvis similar to that of a person with osteomalacia.
Platypellic pelvis
A rare structural malformation that resembles a flattened gynecoid pelvis with shortened anteroposterior and wide transverse diameters.
Osteomalacic pelvis
A pelvis distorted because of osteomalacia. A malformed pelvis marked by reduced side-to-side and diagonal dimensions but significantly increased front-to-back measurements.
Pelvis obtecta
A deformed pelvis in which the vertebral column extends across the pelvic inlet.
Masculine pelvis
A female pelvis that resembles a male pelvis, especially in that it is narrower, more conical, and heavier-boned and has a heart-shaped inlet.
Lordotic pelvis
A deformed pelvis in which the spinal column has an anterior curvature in the lumbar region.