Author: Glossary

  • Pencil

    A material rolled into cylindrical form; may contain a caustic substance or a therapeutic paste or ointment.  

  • Penalization

    An ophthalmological treatment for an eye with weak vision in which the vision from the healthier eye is blunted, blurred, or blocked so that the weaker eye must be relied upon. It is one form of treatment for amblyopia.  

  • Pemphigus vegetans

    A form of pemphigus vulgaris characterized by pustules instead of bullae. Pustules are followed by warty vegetations. Prognosis is good, even before therapy with corticosteroids. A type of pemphigus that primarily manifests in the areas around the armpits, between the thighs, and over the perineum.  

  • Pemphigus foliaceus

    Pemphigus in which keratinocyte adhesion is disrupted beneath the stratum corneum. Once lesions develop, they may spread to the entire body and mimic generalized exfoliative dermatitis. The positive Nikolsky’s sign helps to make the correct diagnosis. The condition is treated with systemic corticosteroids. A persistent condition marked by the development of flat blisters, which are…

  • Erythematous pemphigus

    Scaling, erythematous macules and blebs of the scalp, face, and trunk. The lesions have a “butterfly” distribution over the face. The disease resembles pemphigus foliaceus.  

  • Pemphigoid

    A skin condition similar to pemphigus. Pemphigoid is an infrequent, persistent skin ailment that primarily targets older individuals, leading to the development of sizable, occasionally pruritic blisters on the skin. This condition is believed to stem from an autoimmune disorder, where the body’s immune system reacts against its own tissues. Diagnosis is established through a…

  • Pelvitherm

    A device for applying heat to the pelvis through the vagina.  

  • Pelviscopy

    Visual examination of the female reproductive organs with a laparoscope.  

  • True pelvis

    The portion of the pelvis lying below the iliopectineal line. The dimensions of the true pelvis are of obstetrical significance in determining the success of fetal descent. The section of the pelvic cavity located beneath the iliopectineal line.  

  • Spondylolisthetic pelvis

    A pelvis in which the last lumbar vertebra is dislocated in front of the sacrum, causing occlusion of the brim.