Author: Glossary

  • Peplomer

    A protein that protrudes from the lipid bilayer of an enveloped virus. A peplomer helps the virus gain entry into a cell with susceptible cell surface receptors.  

  • Penumbra

    Healthy tissue that surrounds an ischemic or infarcted part. The presence of geometric blurring on the periphery of a radiograph, arising from a combination of factors including a sizable effective focal spot, a short distance between the target and film, and a substantial distance between the object and film.  

  • Pentoxide

    A chemical molecule containing five atoms of oxygen.  

  • Pentoside

    Pentose combined with some other substance. Pentoses combined with purine or pyrimidine bases are present in nucleic acids, DNA, and RNA.  

  • Pentosazon

    A crystalline compound formed when a pentose is treated with phenylhydrazine. It is not normally present in urine.  

  • Pentastomiasis

    Infection with certain genera of Pentastomida, the tongue worms. The larval forms usually live in the bodies of animals but have been reported in humans.  

  • Pentastarch

    A plasma volume expander derived from amylopectin. It is a colloidal solution similar to hetastarch, but with a lower average molecular weight. It is used to support blood pressure in critical situations, such as the treatment of sepsis, shock, or trauma.  

  • Pentaploid

    Having five sets of chromosomes.  

  • Pentapeptide

    A polypeptide with five amino acid groups.  

  • Pentane

    One of the hydrocarbons of the methane series. It is a product of petroleum distillation.