Author: Glossary

  • Peptostreptococcus

    A genus of gram-positive anaerobic cocci of the Peptococcaceae family. They may be normal or pathogenic inhabitants of the upper respiratory and intestinal tracts and are an important cause of infections. Two species of Peptostreptococcus (P . magnus and P. micros) have been renamed as Finegoldia magnus and Micromonas magnus, respectively.  

  • Peptonize

    To convert into peptones; to predigest with pepsin.  

  • Peptococcus

    A genus of gram-positive, anaerobic cocci that are normally present in the oral cavity, on the skin, and in the intestinal tract. When associated with infection, they usually act synergistically with other organisms.  

  • Peptococcaceae

    A family of gram-positive, anaerobic cocci that includes the genus Peptococcus and may be normal or pathogenic inhabitants of the upper respiratory and intestinal tracts.  

  • Peptidomimetics

    The synthetic alteration of a natural peptide to make a new molecule that works in a specific biological or therapeutic application.  

  • Peptidolytic

    Causing the splitting up or digestion of peptides.  

  • Natriuretic peptide

    Any peptide that stimulates the kidneys to excrete salt and water.  

  • Immunodominant peptide

    Any peptide that has a strong affinity for binding with class I or II histocompatibility antigens and for stimulating a response by T lymphocytes. Immunodominant peptides are produced by antigen processing, are expressed on the surface of macrophages and other antigen-presenting cells, and may be useful both in desensitizing people to allergens and in vaccine…

  • B-type natriuretic peptide

    A hormone secreted by the left or right ventricle of the heart whose concentration in the bloodstream rises during episodes of decompensated heart failure.  

  • Peplos

    The lipid envelope that surrounds some viruses (e.g., arena, corona, and filoviruses).