Author: Glossary

  • Annular placenta

    A placenta that extends like a belt around the interior of the uterus. A placenta that wraps inside the uterus like a belt.  

  • Adherent placenta

    A placenta that remains adherent to the uterine wall after the normal period following childbirth. A placenta that doesn’t detach from the uterus wall following childbirth.  

  • Placenta accreta

    A placenta in which the cotyledons have invaded the uterine musculature, resulting in difficult or impossible separation of the placenta. A placenta that has deeply embedded itself into the wall of the uterus, making it indistinguishable from the womb’s boundary, and preventing its normal separation from the uterus.  

  • Accessory placenta

    A placenta separate from the main placenta. An additional segment of the placenta located separate from the primary mass.  

  • Placement

    The positioning or implantation of a object, such as a catheter or stent, within or near a body part.  

  • Pivot

    In dentistry, a part used for attaching an artificial crown to the base of a natural tooth.  

  • Acuta pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis

    A skin disorder characterized by development of an edematous pink papule that undergoes central vesiculation and hemorrhagic necrosis. The lesions clear spontaneously after weeks or months but leave scars.  

  • Posterior pituitary

    The dried, powdered posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of animals used as food by humans.  

  • Anterior pituitary

    A preparation consisting of dried, defatted, powdered anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of domestic animals. Region of the pituitary that secretes beta-endorphin and adrenocorticotropic hormone.  

  • Pitre’s section

    Any of the series of six coronal vertical sections of the brain for study. The sections are prefrontal, pediculofrontal, frontal, parietal, pediculoparietal, and occipital.