Author: Glossary

  • Plantago seed

    The cleaned, dried, ripe seed of Plantago psyllium or P. indica. It is used as a cathartic, but usually in a powdered form rather than in the form of whole seeds.  

  • Planorbis

    A genus of freshwater snails that is the intermediate host for some species of schistosomal blood flukes.  

  • Planimeter

    An apparatus used to measure the area of a plane figure by passing a tracer around the boundaries.  

  • Vertical plane

    Any body plane perpendicular to a horizontal plane.  

  • Treatment plane

    A plane in the concave joint surface that defines the direction of joint mobilization techniques. The plane is perpendicular to a line drawn from the axis of rotation in the convex joint surface to the center of the concave surface. Joint distraction techniques are applied perpendicular to, and gliding techniques parallel to, the treatment plane.…

  • Plane of regard

    A plane through the fovea of the eye; fixation point.  

  • Plane of refraction

    A plane passing through a refracted ray of light and drawn perpendicular to the surface at which refraction takes place.  

  • Plane of the pelvis

    Imaginary planes touching the same parts of the pelvic canal on both sides.  

  • Parallel plane of the pelvis

    The planes intersecting the axis of the pelvic canal at right angles. The first plane is that of the superior strait; the second that extending from the middle of the sacral vertebra to the level of the subpubic ligament. The third plane is at the level of the spines of the ischia, and the fourth…

  • Intertubercular plane

    A horizontal plane passing through the tubercles of the crests of the ilia; lies approx, at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra.