Author: Glossary

  • Point of maximal impulse

    The point on the chest wall over the heart at which the contraction of the heart is best seen or felt; normally at the fifth intercostal space in the midclavicular line.  

  • Lian’s point

    The point at the junction of the outer and middle thirds of a line from the umbilicus to the anterior superior spine of the ilium where a trocar may be introduced safely for paracentesis.  

  • Lanz’s point

    The point on the line between the two anterior superior iliac spines, one third of the distance from the right spine, indicating the origin of the vermiform appendix.  

  • Isoionic point

    The pH at which a solution of ionized material has as many negative as positive ions.  

  • Identical retinal point

    The points in the two retinas upon which the images are seen as one.  

  • Ice point

    The temperature at which there is equilibrium between ice and air-saturated water at one atmosphere of pressure.  

  • Hot point

    A spot on the skin that perceives hot but not cold stimuli.  

  • Halle’s point

    The point at the intersection of a horizontal line drawn from the anterior superior iliac spines and an angled line extending up from the pubic spine. At that point, the ureter is palpable as it crosses the pelvic brim.  

  • Gutta-percha point

    A cone made of gutta-percha combined with other material that is used in filling root canals of teeth.  

  • Gueneau de Mussy’s point

    The point located at the junction of a line extending down from the left border of the sternum with a horizontal line at the level of the bony part of the anterior portion of the tenth rib. Pressure on this point causes pain in cases of diaphragmatic pleurisy.