Author: Glossary

  • Politzerization

    The inflation of the middle ear by means of a Politzer bag.  

  • Polishing

    Producing a smooth, glossy finish on a denture or a dental restoration.  

  • Live oral poliovirus vaccine

    A standard preparation of one type or a combination of the three types of live, attenuated polioviruses. In 1999, an advisory panel to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that live oral poliovirus no longer be used routinely because it has caused 8 to 10 cases of polio each year. This risk is…

  • Inactivated poliovirus vaccine

    A poliovirus vaccine recommended for the prevention of paralytic poliomyelitis. The vaccine, which contains inactivated types I, II, and III polioviruses, is suitable for parenteral administration to all infants and children.  

  • Provocative poliomyelitis

    During an epidemic of poliomyelitis, the onset of paralysis in the area close to the site of an invasive procedure. Thus an injection in muscle increases the risk of paralysis of the side of the body injected; and tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy increases the risk that poliomyelitis will affect the brain stem.  

  • Nonparalytic poliomyelitis

    Pain and stiffness in the muscles of the axial skeleton, especially of the neck and back; mild fever; increased proteins and leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Diagnosis depends on the isolation of the virus and serological reactions.  

  • Chronic anterior poliomyelitis

    Progressive wasting of the muscles; myelopathic progressive muscular atrophy.  

  • Bulbar poliomyelitis

    Poliomyelitis in which the gray matter of the medulla oblongata is involved, affecting respiratory nerves and muscles supplied by the cranial nerves, resulting in paralysis and usually respiratory failure.  

  • Ascending poliomyelitis

    Poliomyelitis in which paralysis begins in the lower extremities and progresses up the legs, thighs, and trunk, and finally involves the respiratory muscles.  

  • Anterior poliomyelitis

    Inflammation of the anterior horns of the spinal cord.