Author: Glossary

  • Amyloid polyneuropathy

    Polyneuropathy characterized by deposition of amyloid in nerves.  

  • Polyneuromyositis

    A disease in which polyneuritis and polymyositis occur together.  

  • Toxic polyneuritis

    Polyneuritis resulting from poisons such as heavy metals, alcohol, carbon monoxide, or various organic compounds.  

  • Metabolic polyneuritis

    Polyneuritis resulting from metabolic disorders such as nutritional deficiency, especially the lack of thiamine; gastrointestinal disorders; or pathologic conditions such as diabetes, pernicious anemia, and toxemias of pregnancy.  

  • Polyneuralgia

    Pain that emanates from several nerves at the same time.  

  • Polymyxins

    Any of the group of cationic polypeptide antibiotics produced by the bacterium Bacillus polymyxa. Although these antibiotics are toxic to the brain and kidney and are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, they are occasionally used to treat resistant infections caused by gram-negative microorganisms. A set of antibiotic medications originating from the bacterium Bacillus Polymyxa…

  • Polymorphous light eruption

    A rash occurring after exposure to sunlight, typically consisting of papules, plaques, or papulovesicles on sun-exposed skin. It is more common in fair skinned patients and in women than in men or people with darker skin color. The rash is usually itchy but may produce a burning or stinging sensation. Avoiding sun exposure with protective…

  • Polymicrogyria

    A developmental malformation of the brain in which the gyri form with abnormally small convolutions. It often results from chromosomal deletions, e.g., from chromosome 22.  

  • Polymicrobic infections

    Bacterial infections caused by two or more different microorganisms.  

  • Polymethyl methacrylate

    A synthetic polymer used in the fabrication of dialysis membranes with high biocompatibility.